10 Little Ways Paris Has Changed in the Past 15 Years

10 Little Ways Paris Has Changed in the Past 15 Years

I first lived in Paris in 2009 as an undergraduate student. Since then, I’ve traveled to and stayed in the capital multiple times before calling the city my home a few years ago. It’s been interesting to see firsthand how Paris has evolved over time. Here’s a list of some little changes that have stood out to me over the course of the last 15 years.

5 Culture Shocks at the Doctor’s Office in France

5 Culture Shocks at the Doctor’s Office in France

As an American living in France, I’ve noticed many differences between healthcare in the United States and France. Going to the doctor in France is a cultural experience in and of itself. By now, I’ve been to several different types of health professionals in France, from general doctors to specialists. Here are some culture shocks I’ve personally experienced at the doctor’s office in France.