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Last Updated: October 2021
A Francophile is someone who really loves and admires France and the French. This can include a strong interest in French culture, history, art, literature, food, lifestyle, and/or the French language.
Do you consider yourself a Francophile? Read on to see how your obsession of all things France stacks up.

- When you’re feeling uninspired about what to make for dinner, a baguette, some cheese, and a bottle of wine will forever be your go-to.
- Your friends can always count on you to bring a charcuterie board to the potluck.
- One of your favorite gifts ever was a set of Laguiole knives for your aforementioned famous charcuterie board.
- You know the proper way to cut cheese, and you frown upon those who leave the delicious moldy bits behind.
- You are not frightened at the sight of escargots, frog legs, or cow tongue.
- You weirdly prefer mayonnaise with your French fries. Miam !
- You have an annoying habit of pronouncing croissant and crêpe, well, like they should be pronounced.
- The smell of fresh bread instantly brings you back to your study-abroad glory days in France.
- Authentic French bakeries in the States may not be easy to find but you know the location of all the best ones within a 100km radius of your home. (Et ben non, you won’t be needing anyone to convert that into miles for you.)
- You’ve attempted making macarons. More than once.
- You cringe whenever you hear someone pronounce it “macaroons.”
- You own a madeleine mold. The madeleines came out better than the macarons.
- You’ve since enrolled yourself in a French pastry class.
- Your bookshelves are lined with books in French, books set in France (with a separate section dedicated to books set in Paris, bien sûr), books about French culture, and French cookbooks.
- You’ve seriously considered reading Les Misérables in its entirety, but ain’t nobody got time for that.
- On a quiet night in, you’re certain to break out your Paris coloring book.
- You’ve watched great classics such as Jules & Jim, Les Choristes, Amélie, Les Intouchables, and Au revoir, les enfants.
- You have a subscription to TV5Monde.
- You own a tricolore, and it is proudly hanging on your porch.
- You can sing La Marseillaise on command (or at least the first verse and refrain).
- You have a surprisingly large collection of Eiffel Towers in various forms. It is a common game for invited guests to find and count all of the Eiffel Towers in your home.
- You have savon de Marseille lavender soap in your bathroom right now.
- You have at least three different hand creams from L’Occitane.
- If it has French writing on it, you’re buying it. Yes, you’ll take all the fleur-de-lis embellished items as well.

- You own at least one marinière.
- Your favorite fashion accessory is a well-draped scarf, year-round.
- You own a béret.

- You’ve dressed up for Halloween as your favorite French monument or famous person.
- An ideal Sunday morning includes heading to the local farmer’s
marketmarché before meeting up with your French conversation group in acoffee shopcafé.
- You are, of course, a member of your local Alliance Française.
- To you, July 4th signals the approach of July 14th—la Fête nationale.
- No trip to Europe is complete without a layover in France.
- Nothing riles you up more than when you hear someone go on about how French people are so rude. (Everyone knows it’s just the Parisians 😉)
- You’ve low-key stalked people that you heard speaking in French on the street.
- You then proceeded to not-so-low-key introduce yourself to those random people on the street.
- Your favorite class in school was French.
- In high school, you headed the French club and/or National French Honor Society.
- Your pet has a French name. (True story, I had a hamster named Jean-Claude.)
- You adore the custom of la bise.
- You have a tendency to insert French words into daily conversation and assume that other people will understand you.
So, how much of a Francophile are you?
40+ Signs You Might Be a Francophile