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Last Updated: September 5, 2024
Did you get a jury duty summons while outside of the United States? The first time I was ever called in for jury duty was after I had moved abroad to France. Here’s what to do when you’ve been summoned for jury duty as an American living or traveling abroad.

What is jury duty?
Jury duty in the United States is when American citizens are called in to potentially serve as jurors in a legal proceeding. A civic duty and an essential service, jury duty supports the fundamental right of Americans to be tried before an impartial jury of one’s peers.
How are people selected for the jury pool?
A jury selection pool is created primarily by pulling information from voter registration lists. If you vote from abroad as an American, your last US address is on file in voter records even if you live out of the country. Other sources, such as driving records, state income tax returns, and unemployment compensation reports, may also be used.
Names are randomly drawn from within each judicial district in order to ensure that there is a fair representation of the community. If you have moved abroad and no longer live in that judicial district, you are not eligible to serve as a juror. In this case, you can be exempt from jury duty. If you are traveling abroad temporarily, you can ask to postpone your service and change the date. Each state has their own set of rules regarding qualifications and how to request exemptions and postponements.
How can you get excused from jury duty as an American abroad?
If your primary residence is in another country, you can be excused from jury duty. In the case of traveling abroad and/or going on vacation outside of the country, it’s more likely you will only be able to postpone your service. Either way, the first thing you’ll want to do is check your state website for specific procedures. The website will probably be included on the summons letter that was sent to you. You can also do a Google search for “your state jury duty.”
➡️ Tip! Sometimes, state government websites are inaccessible from abroad. I use a VPN in these cases.
In Connecticut, the online procedure is very simple. On the State of Connecticut Judicial Branch website, I clicked on the link to answer my summons. After logging in with my Juror ID number, I began filling out the online questionnaire. When asked if I was a resident of Connecticut, I chose “No” and gave my current address in Paris, France.
After submitting the form, the confirmation landing page indicated that one of my responses triggered an “Excusal Request” and I would be notified shortly of the outcome. I was also invited to log back into the eResponse portal to check on my status.
Later that day, I received an email letting me know that I was excused from serving on this summons and that no further action would be required on my part.
Depending on your state, you may need to send in supporting documents to justify your disqualification or deferral. Although it was not necessary for Connecticut, I was prepared to send in a proof of address for my residence in France.
Be sure to respond to your notice in a timely manner. Not reporting for this service and ignoring the summons can result in legal penalties, such as a paying a fine.

What are the ramifications of declaring away your state residency in regard to taxes?
Hi Collin,
For an overview of US taxes as an American abroad, please check out this post: