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The doors open. You immediately climb into the Paris metro car with your bags in hand and you’ve already been met with a hard stare. Everyone warned you about those rude Parisians. You hear a loud “Pardon” behind you at the next stop but it’s packed in here and you can barely move. They can go around. Was that an elbow in your side?
There are rules to follow when using the subway system in Paris. Some might be considered basic tips while others are unspoken social and cultural norms. An error in etiquette on the Paris metro will get you a dirty look at best and a fine at worst.
Here’s your guide to Paris metro etiquette so that you can be a respectful tourist.
(To be fair, I think some Parisians could benefit from a refresher on common courtesy in the subway, too 😜)

In the Metro Station
- When using the moving sidewalks or the escalators, stay to the right and pass on the left. The right side is for standing still or for slow-moving traffic. The left is reserved for those who have somewhere to be! If you are not actively passing and/or moving at a reasonable clip on the left, get out of the way and make sure your bags are tucked in with you. Think of it as two lanes, similar to driving in France. And like when driving, do check your blind spot if you’d like to enter the left lane 😉
- Have your ticket or card ready as you approach the turnstile. If you need a second to rummage through your bag or get yourself organized, stand off to the side. Locals are accustomed to tapping their metro card and entering without any dawdling.
- Large luggage or other gear, such as a stroller, often does not fit through the standard turnstiles. If you have bulky items, check to see if there is a gate nearby. Push the call button and personnel will open it remotely to allow you to pass through with your stuff.

- Hold doors open for people on your way through, entering or exiting. This includes the swinging gate/door that is part of some turnstiles. It’s not expected that you’ll wait for someone who’s all the way down the hallway, so this rule is just in case someone is right behind you.
Entering the Metro Car
- Wait until people get out of the car before making your way in. On the platform, stand to the side of the opening doors, not right in the middle of the doors.
- When no seats are available, people (especially tourists or those unfamiliar with subway etiquette) love to congregate by the doors like sad little sardines. As a result, the car may seem more full than it actually is. There is typically more space in the middle of the car than by the doors, so board and move toward the center of the car.
- Some metro lines are super packed, especially during rush hour. In that case, if it’s truly difficult to board, just wait for the next train. It’s probably not too far behind.
While Riding the Metro
- Seats that fold down can commonly be found right by the door. These are called strapontins. If the train is packed and you’re sitting on a folding seat, stand up to make room for those entering the car.

- Offer your spot to the elderly, pregnant people, and those with disabilities, etc. Parents with small children will also appreciate the gesture. If someone asks for your seat, give it to them. In France, a Carte mobilité inclusion (CMI) exists for passengers with mobility issues to get priority seating. It’s possible someone might show you this card instead of or while verbally asking you for your spot.
- Keep your feet off the seats. Not only is this rude (and gross… have you seen Parisian sidewalks? 🐶💩), but putting your feet up on a seat could earn you a fine of 60€!
- Seats are for people. Luggage should not take up or block seats. Sometimes this is impossible, especially when you’ve just arrived in Paris on a long-haul flight with a big bag and are taking public transportation into the city. Do your best to remain courteous to on-the-go locals and fellow tired travelers.
- Likewise, if you’re wearing a backpack, be aware of the space you’re taking up. No one wants to be whacked with your gear. If it’s getting crowded, take your backpack off and hold it down by your feet. As a bonus, this practice will also make you less of a target for pickpockets since you’ll have eyes and hands on your bag.
- Leaning on the vertical hand bar or wrapping an arm around the bar to avoid directly touching it is common and totally acceptable if the car is not packed. Be mindful of other people who are standing and want to hold onto the hand bar for security.

- Wear deodorant. Please 🙏🏻 The metro gets sweaty, especially in the summer. Even the few air-conditioned lines can get humid and stuffy from a lack of airflow.
- It’s rather uncommon to see people eating on the metro, but eating and drinking in the metro are permitted. A discreet sandwich or small snack probably won’t bother your fellow passengers. Keep the area clean and avoid leaving crumbs all over the place. Making a mess on the metro is punishable by a fine.
- The metro is a relatively quiet space, especially during the commute to work. Talk quietly and keep your music to yourself.
- If you’re in the way of people exiting the car, step out of the car and to the side to let people exit. I promise you’ll make it back on!
- Some metro lines have train doors that need to be manually opened with a button or a handle. Even if you’re not getting out, if you’re right by the door in a jam-packed situation, open the door for those getting off. Just give a glance over your shoulder to see if anyone is looking to get off.

Exiting the Metro Car
- If your path to getting out of the car is congested, attempt to move closer to the door one stop before your stop, especially if you are sitting down within the car. I’ve never not made it off the metro, but there is limited time to get off.
- An assertive “Pardon” is generally all you need to get by people in order to exit the car. Even some nudging or shoulder tapping might be warranted but outright pushing should not be necessary.
- Leave nothing behind on the metro. Make sure you have all your bags and gear. Unattended bags cause a lot of traffic disruptions as officials need to be called in to investigate in case of danger.
Did this guide help you? Say thanks with a cup of coffee!
Bonus! Official Paris Metro Etiquette Guide
In 2013, the RATP (Paris public transportation company) published a humorous guide to combat the growing prevalence of incivilities on the metro. This little manual includes 12 rules with illustrations. It’s a funny read. I particularly like Rule 11—On hot days, be like an Emperor Penguin and keep your arms down on your sides 😅
Even if you don’t know French, have a look at the illustrations and you’ll get the gist! You can find the Manuel savoir vivre à l’usage du voyageur moderne as a PDF.