As we all know, things are rarely what they look like in the movies or in romanticized novels. We learn so much more about the world around us when we experience things first hand. Here are some everyday things that surprised me about Paris when I first arrived. These aren’t necessarily culture shocks, just things that stood out to me in my initial observations.
Don’t Visit Paris
Are you planning a trip to Paris? You might want to rethink that. Honestly, it’s not worth it. Take it from someone who lives here.
My Top 3 Favorite Museums in Paris
With well over 100 museums in Paris, it can be hard to decide which ones to see and where to start. Here are my top 3 favorite museums in Paris. I consider all three to be small enough to navigate, even if you don’t know art very well. Additionally, they all have on-site cafés and offer free admission on certain days.
How to Enjoy a Rainy Day in Paris
This is Paris, and it’s going to rain. No matter what the season, it is very likely that you will deal with gray skies and the threat of rain at least once during your stay in Paris. No need to worry! I have plenty of suggestions.
Paris: A Few of My Favorite Things
As an expat, trying to make a place for myself, it’s easy to get frustrated with daily life, which includes grocery store disappointments. At the end of the day, I love living in Paris, and despite any negativity you might see on this blog, I truly am grateful for this opportunity.